Dear fellow pilgrim,

Your opinions and perspectives will create collective wisdom that can help others have a healthier and safer pilgrimage. People with diabetes may not know how to prepare well for their journey, or how to handle some of the challenges they may encounter along the way. This is why your response to any or all of these questions will be so valuable.

Find the questions at the bottom of the document.

Consent for Exempt Research
Penn State College of Medicine
Penn State Health

Title of Project: Perspectives of pilgrims about challenges and resources for diabetes self-care

The Principal Investigator, Ariana Pichardo-Lowden MD, can be reached at Penn State University College of Medicine. Endocrinology Division

Telephone Numbers: Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST (717) 531-8395

Address: 500 University Drive, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033

You are being invited to volunteer to participate in a research study. Research studies include only people who voluntarily choose to take part. This summary explains information about this research.

This study is gathering opinions about challenges and solutions to diabetes self-care encountered during pilgrimage. This is intended for pilgrims 18 years or older with diabetes or accompanying a pilgrim with diabetes.

The information will be used to generate suggestions that can help others have a healthy and safe pilgrimage.

Your confidentiality will be maintained as this survey is entirely anonymous.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact 717-531-8395 and ask for the Principal Investigator if this study. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject or concerns regarding your privacy, you may contact the research protection advocate in the Human Research Protection Program at 814-865-1775.

Taking part in this research study is voluntary.

Your response to the questions implies your voluntary consent to participate in the research.

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